Assisting with Daily Living Activities with Care

Are you seeking assistance with the essential activities of daily living to support your independence and well-being? Look no further than Dominion Community Integration Services Inc. (DCIS Inc.). Our dedicated team is here to provide personalized assistance tailored to your individualized service plan and ongoing assessment outcomes. We offer compassionate support to ensure that you can navigate daily tasks with confidence and dignity. With a focus on promoting autonomy and quality of life, we strive to empower individuals to live life to the fullest.

We provide the following assistance:

  • Support with bathroom visits as needed.
  • Prompt to use the bathroom when applicable.
  • Prompt oral hygiene when applicable.
  • Assist or support brief changes where applicable.
  • Assist/Support Individuals with meal intake (lunch/snacks)
  • Assist with Individual transfer where applicable.
  • Assist with feeding tubes where applicable.

Join us at DCIS Inc. as we work together to create a supportive and inclusive community where everyone can thrive. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support you or your loved one on their journey toward self-actualization and self-esteem.